In simple terms globalization Is the process of
growing interconnectedness between various parts of the world. It is a process
through which diverse world is unified into a single society. Globalization
touches almost all spheres of human life; social, economic, political,
cultural, environmental.
Economic impact:
Positive impact:
a. Trade
with other countries tremendously increased. Exports and imports boomed due to
opening up of trade markets.
b. Liberalization
of Indian markets for foreign players. This has increased the inflow of men,
money, material, labor, technology etc from foreign countries to India.
c. Markets
expanded. Many of the Indian industries have global markets and India serves as
a market for many foreign companies.
d. Globalization
is responsible for the growth of many industries in India and especially
software industry.
e. It
has given nations greater access to global markets, technology, financial
resources and quality services and skilled human resources.
f. Improvement
in and greater access to quality goods and services and an exponential increase
in the volume of trade.
g. Access
to global capital resources via the stock market and international debt
depending on the economic potential of nations and their markets.
h. Access
to technologies depending on the nation’s responsiveness to respect to
protection of IPR and the responsible usage of technologies.
Access to the world markets to the skilled
human resources from nations with inherent intellectual and technical
Increase in exports of goods and services in
which nations have their respective competencies.
k. Increased
the purchasing capability of the nation through the creation of a sizeable
middle class which is hungry for quality goods and services while there is a
large poor class whose time is yet to come.
Shifting of labor force from agricultural
sector to industrial sector and thus reducing disguised employment in
agricultural sector.
High quality and low cost products flooded
Indian markets increasing consumers’ choices.
Just few years back in India landline phone
was a prestige symbol but now mobiles can be seen in the hands of many people.
In agricultural sector new varieties of farm
equipment, new agricultural practices, applications of biotechnology like
drought resistant, pest resistant varieties etc are indirectly due to
Indian companies adopting international
standards in the areas of accounting, inventory management, Human resource,
marketing, customer relationship management practices etc.
q. Increase
in flow of investments from developed countries to developing countries, which
can be used for economic reconstruction.
India gained highly from the LPG
model as its GDP increased to 9.7% in 2007-2008. (It is now in low level but
hoping it will make some upside graph)
s. The
free flow of Information both general and commercial.
Negative impact:
a. Rich
poor divide increased due to unequal distribution of wealth.
b. Ethical
responsibility of business diminished.
c. Tribes
are unable to integrate in the era of globalization and they are facing many
problems due to industrial expansion like land alienation, loss of livelihood,
displacement etc.
d. High
growth but problem of unemployment.
e. Price
hike and inflation of every daily usable commodities.
Native traditional industries in India
got badly affected as they are unable to compete with foreign players.
Government driven public sector units are in
sale due to increased privatization.
Growth in different sectors became uneven.
More inflow of money has aggravated the
problem of corruption.
Cultural impact:
Language: (India is only place in world
having more than 1000 local + regional languages, but from past 50 years most
of them are completely gone)
Positive impact:
a. Many
people in India became bilingual or multilingual than before.
b. Prominence
of English as a language increased and importance of many regional languages
Negative impact:
a. Some
languages got extinct.
b. Traditional
knowledge that is expressed in the languages that are becoming extinct is
getting unutilized. Many patents are filed internationally which is already
mentioned in our traditional literature.
Music, Dance, Entertainment:
Positive impact:
a. Many
foreign musical instruments flooded Indian market.
b. Foreign
movies became widely available in Indian markets.
c. Indian
classical music has gained worldwide recognition
d. Fusing
western music with Indian traditional music is encouraged among musicians.
e. Many
foreigners are learning Indian dance forms like Bharatanatyam while many
Indians are getting attracted to foreign dance forms like salsa, hip-hop etc.
Negative impact:
a. The
penetration of global pop music has marginalized the traditional Indian music.
b. There
is an increase in tendency of playing western songs and pop music during
marriage functions, birthday celebrations, engagements etc.
c. Folk
and tribal music is nearly extinct. Government is taking steps to preserve it.
d. One
can see in India that inhibitions have been diluted because of the
advent of media and the medium of entertainment. This has also naturally had some
affect on the old cultural values with the focus now being on consumerism and
Food and Dress:
Positive impact:
a. Many
dresses of foreign brands are available in Indian local markets. Dressing
style, costumes, etc of Indians changed due to globalization
b. Male
and female dresses distinction is getting blurred.
c. Food
and dress habits are internationalized
d. Pizzas,
burgers, Chinese foods, and other western foods have become quite popular.
e. Fusion
of Indo western clothing is the latest trend. Ex: wearing western jeans and
Indian pajama or kurtha.
f. A
distinct change in life-styles with rapid adaptation to worldwide trends
traditional food and dress habits are getting changed generation after
to intake of western and fast foods there is a threat of non communicable
diseases like obesity, hyper tension, cardio vascular diseases etc.
Positive impact:
a. India is birth place of different religions
like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism etc. Due to globalization new
religions like Christianity entered India and have multi dimensional impact on
the culture of India.
Negative impact:
a. Conversions
to Christianity increased by the financial and institutional support of western
Positive impact:
a. Western
festivals like Valentine ’s Day, friendship day etc are spreading across India.
Negative impact:
a. Importance
of our traditional native festivals getting decreased.
b. Sacred
component in our religious festivals is getting decreased and there is increase
of secular component in the form of social gatherings during festivals.
There is increase in interaction between
people of different countries leading to admixture of cultures.
Nations have built greater awareness of
themselves and the other countries and cultures of the world. India is not an
Social impact:
· Marriage:
Positive impact:
a. Love
marriages increased and thus parents preference for children wishes increased.
b. Inter
religious and inter caste marriages increased and thus caste rigidities and
inequalities getting reduced.
Negative impact:
a. Divorce
rate increased
b. Marriage
changed from religious sacrament to civil contract.
c. Unmarried
boys and girls are sharing same apartment and staying away from their parents.
Thus without marriage live-in relationships are happening in India
Positive impact:
a. Previously
all the members of the family did the same type of work but after globalization
the same family has adapted different types of work depending upon availability
and their economic benefits.
b. As
husband and wife are employed in most of the cases the child care is taken by
day care centers or crèches.
c. Family
controls on children are getting weekend and children wishes are seldom ignored
d. Social
gatherings are getting increased than religious gatherings.
Negative impact:
a. Nuclear
families increased at the expense of joint families
b. Family
ceased to be a unit of production.
c. The
voice and decision of elders in the family matters decreased.
Positive impact:
a. Foreign
universities tie up with Indian universities increased.
b. Literacy
rate increased
c. Scientific
and technological innovations have made life comfortable, pleasant and
d. Extension
of internet facilities to rural areas and thus increasing awareness in rural
Increased access to better and qualitative
The choices for the children increased as
there are many streams in education to pursue.
Extensive use of information communication
Negative impact:
a. Education
became commercialized
b. Pressure
on children increased by parents, teachers, peers to get succeed in education
which is essential to compete in this globalized world
c. Education
is measured in the number of degrees a person holds rather than the useful
knowledge he gained.
Positive impact:
a. People
shifting from unorganized sector to organized sector
b. Distinction
between polluting and non polluting castes getting weakened.
c. Social
taboos are getting weakened
d. Caste
based occupations are getting converted to merit based occupations.
Negative impact:
a. Rural,
urban divide increased
b. Migration
of people from rural areas to urban areas due to urbanization
c. Due
to extreme mechanization demand for manual labor is decreasing day by day. This
leads to increase in unemployment
Political impact:
Positive impact:
a. Awareness
about the right to vote increased.
b. Opinion
forming in many political issues increased with the help of ICT.
c. International
obligations creating pressures on domestic political system.
d. India
say in international matters increased.
e. Financial
support from international organizations to India became possible due to
a. Politico-bureaucracy-industrial
nexus increased which is affecting badly the common man.
b. Criminalization
of politics and politicization of criminals increased.
c. Organized
crime with political support increased.
Positive impact:
and concern about environmental problems increased
and financial support from international organizations to combat climate change
Negative impact:
emission of green house gases which leads to climate change and global warming
degradation due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers
of ozone layer due to release of ozone depleting substances like chloro floro
carbons (CFCs)
mining and deforestation caused displacement of millions of people without
proper rehabilitation and resettlement provisions.
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